Saturday, 14 May 2011

Personal #2The Notebook

Carried in her handbag with the rest of her daily items; her purse, umbrella, a small make-up bag and her keys to her apartment among other essentials. The classic hard black cover with its rounded edges encase a lifetime of information. The elastic closure ensures the privacy of its pages and warns of strangers. Simple, versatile with a delicate sewn spine, there is a thin, silky black ribbon attached.

Feeling a wave of emotion the closure unlatches itself exposing scribbling and illustrations that create a bold image of the owner's personality. There is an array of phone numbers, to do lists, general thoughts reminiscing of times gone past. The writer is more creative than the average 'Dear Diary' writer with vivid illustrations, poems and great descriptions of inspiration upon the cream coloured paper. The pages flick as if a great gust of wind is forcing it to present itself. The pages stop its journey through the notes, sketches, thoughts and passions and land on the first blank page.

Delicate calligraphic writing appears letter by letter on the plain parchment. Written slowly and accurately each letter is like a piece of art to the writer, with rhythmic pauses as if the invisible writer is dipping the tip of the pen into black ink. The technical skill must have taken years of hard practice. The notebook begins to write its own acknowledgement of the owner's adornment towards her lover. It writes of her beau's handsome looks and stunning blue eyes. The soft strokes of ink express how greatly he is missed by the owner with find affection and longing thoughts.

And with that, the letter is signed off. The paper carefully perforates itself, tearing gently apart from the rest of the pages. The paper folds itself beautifully in the air into an envelope shape and addresses itself to start its journey; sealing it with a spray of perfume. It then glides of smoothly and freely in the air to deliver the love letter.

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