Saturday, 14 May 2011

Personal #1The Photograph Frame

It's vintage style with a touch of regency encases a snapshot of a memory of time gone by. The elegant antique provides a portal, a beautiful ornate gateway to another world. Inside this world are friends, classmates, family who were more than mere acquaintances; dancing and laughing with familiar surrounds and music thousands of miles from where the owner lies now.

She adventures into the past with a graceful leap between the baroque carved edges into a realm of 4D memorabilia. Her companions have not changed or moved since she left, their hair and make-up still perfectly intact even though the party had started a month before. Thrown into a party close to midnight, she catches a glance of her own reflection in a mirror, seeing that she is wearing a silky midnight blue dress hugging every inch of her body, teamed with high heels giving her the confidence to walk like a supermodel. Deep rouge coating her lips and her eyes framed with full, luscious lashes. The same cherished song is playing over and over; time has stood still, waiting for her return.

Raising crystal flutes, splashing droplets of expensive champagne as they clink glasses together and announce wishes of good luck to their adored friend who is due to leave in only a few short days. The elaborate soiree continues and they all desert their drinks to journey to the shiny dance floor. Pretty young things frolic and cavort in tune to the rhythm of rock and roll blaring from speakers above their intoxicated heads.

It's getting late, the clock striking three. Her best friend rushes to get one last photograph of the night in hope to catch their smiling expressions. Planning to secretly use the photo as part of a gift she had planned involving a small oval frame that would tuck into her adored friend's luggage snugly. Little did she know her gesture was full of magic and offered more than a mere illustration to induce one's memory. They strike a pose, and when the flash goes off, the night is over.

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